De Doorns Renosterveld Karoo
The De Doorns Renosterveld Karoo vegetation type is located in the north eastern part of the Hex River Valley, ranging from the old Osplaas Railway Station to the Hex River Pass. It is for the most part indistinguishable from the Worcester Renosterveld Karoo or Robertson Karoo units, but supports at least one local endemic, Amphithalea spinosa, and Vachellia karroo may be present.
The terrain is characterized by numerous small buttes (koppies) and mesas (tafelberge).
The vegetation is fairly homogenous with Renosterveld (and even Fynbos) elements dominating southern slopes and Karoo elements prominent on northern slopes. “Heuweltjies”, lush circular patches supporting larger shrubs like Euclea undulata, Searsia undulata, Tylecodon paniculatus and others, are a common occurrence.
Winter rainfall with occasional summer thunderstorms. Relatively dry.
Important Taxa
Tylecodon paniculatis, Pteronia spp., Crassula rupestris, Othonna arbuscula, Euryops tenuissimus, Dicerothamnus rhinocerotis, Searsia undulata, Euclea undulata, Eriocephalus spp., Aizoon africanus, Euphorbia mauritanica, and Aloe microstigma
Endemic Taxa
Unknown for the most part. Amphitalea spinosa is shared with only De Doorns Arid Renosterveld. Other outliers (not endemic, but unusual for this unit) include Cyanella alba minor and Stachys rugosa.
Large sections of this vegetation type have been replaced by vines, but much of the remaining parts is conserved or not suitable for agriculture.
- Helme, N. A. 2007. Botanical report: Fine scale vegetation mapping in the Upper Breede River Valley. Report for CapeNature, as part of the C.A.P.E. programme.
Species in this vegetation type

Adromischus maculatus

Amphithalea spinosa

Aspalathus lactea

Curio acaulis

Gladiolus floribundus

Haemanthus coccineus

Helichrysum hamulosum

Moraea setifolia

Muraltia heisteria

Oxalis purpurea

Pelargonium alternans

Pelargonium luteolum

Senecio abbreviatus