![Euryops lateriflorus](https://hexflora.org.za/images/euryops_lateriflorus-ae527949df2e5372089b2561efff1966.jpg?vsn=d)
Euryops lateriflorus
Perennial shrub of 1m. Leaves are opposite and oval to lance-shaped with a sharp tip. Flowerheads (appearing from June) are golden yellow on wiry peduncles. Ray florets are female, disc-florets are fertile and five-lobed.
Distribution in the Hex
Renosterveld and arid fynbos patches in valley floor.
- Manning, J., 2018. Field Guide to Fynbos
- https://www.operationwildflower.org.za/index.php/albums/genera-a-f/euryops/euryops-lateriflorus-thabo-2-3369