Hex Waboomveld
Hex Waboomveld (or Limietberg Waboomveld from which it differs primarily in distribution) is limited to the south western corner of the Hex near the start of the narrow pass towards Worcester.
Waboomveld is very similar to Sandstone Fynbos, but usually occurs at lower elevations and thus faces a hotter and drier climate.
The vegetation is dominated by resprouters such as Protea nitida, the waboom (wagon tree) from which it gets its name. It is thought that Waboomveld is created and maintained by more frequent fires. Ericaceae are usually rare.
Important Taxa
Protea nitida, Leucadendron salignum, Montinia caryophyllacea, Corymbium africanum, Lanaria lanata, various restios, sedges and grasses and Diosma hirsuta. Other common species include Metalasia densa, Aspalathus rugosa, Ischyrolepis gaudichaudiana, and in older areas Leucadendron rubrum and Protea repens. Heeria argentea is often prominent on rocky ridges that escape fire.
Endemic Taxa
The Hex unit has no known endemics.
Alien vegetation is often a major problem, especially Acacia mearnsii, Hakea sericea and pines.
- Helme, N. A. 2007. Botanical report: Fine scale vegetation mapping in the Upper Breede River Valley. Report for CapeNature, as part of the C.A.P.E. programme.
Species in this vegetation type