Protea nitida
Tree of 5 to 10 m. Also as a dwarf form of less than 1 m. Resprouts after fire. The leaves a elliptic and milky grey. The flower heads (mostly between May and August) are cup shaped. The involucral bracts (around the flower head) are short, silver and silky.
Distribution in the Hex
Sandstone slopes of Hex River Arid Alluvium Fynbos, De Doorns Sandstone Fynbos, South Hex Sandstone Fynbos, and Hex Waboomveld.
- Manning, J. & Goldblatt, P. 2012. Plants of the Greater Cape Floristic Region 1: the Core Cape flora, Strelitzia 29. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.