Western Altimontane Sandstone Fynbos
Western Altimontane Sandstone Fynbos is a high-altitude fynbos vegetation type occuring above 1600m. It includes various sections of the Hex River Mountains such as the Mosterthoek Twins (2 030 m), Waaihoek Peak (1 948 m), Mount Superior (1 913 m), Fonteintjiesberg (1 989 m), Sentinel Peak (1 939 m), Buffelshoek Peak (2 059 m), Milner Peak (1 995 m), Groothoek Peak (2 099 m), Rooiberg (2 209 m), Sonkliprug (2 100 m) and Matroosberg (2 249 m). Other areas outside the Hex River Valley include the Cedarberg, Skurweberge, Groot Winterhoek, Du Toitsberge and Langeberg.
The terrain is rugged and rocky, but less steep towards the top.
The vegetation is low, open to medium dense restioid fynbos, with ericaceous and asteraceous fynbos occurring locally. Proteoid fynbos is generally absent, but low-growing proteoids may be present.
Snow is a regular winter occurance. High rainfall in winter.
Important Taxa
Spatalla salsoloides, Serruria zeyheri and Oreoleysera montana. It is unknown whether these occur in the Hex River Valley.
Endemic Taxa
Cyclopia glabra.
Not threatened by agricultural activities.
- Mucina, L., Rutherford, M.C. 2006. The vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Strelitzia 19.
- Helme, N. A. 2007. Botanical report: Fine scale vegetation mapping in the Upper Breede River Valley. Report for CapeNature, as part of the C.A.P.E. programme.