Oxalis ciliaris
Geophyte up to 20 cm with a stem evident above ground. The leaves are trifoliolate with linear-elliptic leaflets that are covered in fine glandular hairs. The flowers (April to July) are lilac to white with a yellow tube. Glandular hair sometimes visible on the outside of the tube.
Oxalis ciliaris appears similar to Oxalis burkei but the latter has finer hairless leaves and flowers and is found in the De Doorns Renosterveld Karoo vegetation type. The two species co-occur in the ecotone between the two vegetation types.
Distribution in the Hex
Low-altitude stony and sandy flats in De Doorns Sandstone Fynbos and Hex River Arid Alluvium Fynbos vegetation.
- Manning, J. & Goldblatt, P. 2012. Plants of the Greater Cape Floristic Region 1: the Core Cape flora, Strelitzia 29. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.